Online Workshop on GitHub

Online Workshop on GitHub

 The department of MCA organized an online workshop expert lecture on 4th April 2021. The resource person for the expert lecture was Mr. Azhar Bandri from Pleximus Pvt Ltd, Ratnagiri, which is a software development company of passionate full-stack developers creating software applications for web, mobile & PC.

The resource person, Mr. Azhar Bandri, is Director of Pleximus Pvt Ltd, Ratnagiri who has also worked previously as Project Manager at Gadre Infotech Pvt Ltd.

The lecture began with welcome address by the Head of the Department, MCA, Prof. Tejas V. Joshi. He introduced and welcomed the resource person. The workshop was related to use of GitHub for developing projects. The resource person began the workshop by giving an overview about GitHub and how to use the basic GitHub tools. He explained how GitHub can be used for academic projects in a practical way to collaborate with others and build a portfolio that showcases real-world experience.

. He also made students aware about GitHub Student Developer Pack which gives the students free access to the best developer tools in one place so they can learn by doing.

A total of 61 students from MCA department and IT department attended the online workshop. Asst. Prof. Kishor R. Bhosale coordinated the organization of the lecture and the lecture concluded with a vote of thanks.

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