A Lecture by Industry Expert

The department of MCA organized an industry expert lecture on 16th October, 2019. Mr. Mrunal Mhaiskar from Protovec Technologies Pvt Ltd, Ratnagiri, was invited to conduct it. He works in the field of system design, software development, PLC programming, and SCADA.

Mr. Mrunal Mhaiskar was introduced by Prof. Kishor Bhosale and was welcomed by Prof. Tejas V. Joshi, the head of department. The main objective of the lecture was to introduce the students to a new application area and explore and use their programming skills. Mr. Mrunal Mhaiskar shared information on the use of programming in the field of PLC and SCADA and informed the students about the different opportunities in the field of automation.

A total of 34 students from MCA and other departments attended the expert lecture. The lecture concluded with a vote of thanks.Prof. Rahul V. Kotawadekar coordinated the lecture.


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