A Webinar on Machine Learning with MySQL for Beginners

A Webinar on Machine Learning with MySQL for Beginners

A Webinar on Machine Learning with MySQL for Beginners was organized by the Department of Information Technology on 12th September 2023. This webinar was organized for BEIT students to provide valuable guidelines regarding how to do Machine Learning with MySQL.

            This event focused on:

  1. How MySQL HeatWaveAutoML works?
  2. What ML algorithms can be used with MySQL HeatWaveAutoML?
  3. How to configure ML models with your data?
  4. How to explain the results provided by MySQL HeatWaveAutoML.

The program was initiated by HOD(IT), Dr. Vinayak A. Bharadi and coordinated by Prof. Shashank S. Tolye. The event was conducted online as a webinar. The resource persons for the session were Mr. Stuart Davey and Mr. Marco Carlessifrom Oracle. A total of 48 students enthusiastically attended the program and were satisfied by the valuable knowledge delivered by Mr. Mr. Stuart Davey  and Mr. Marco Carlessi.

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