NSS Residential Camp A.Y. 2023-24

NSS Residential Camp A.Y. 2023-24

NSS Unit of FAMT organized a Residential Camp for the Academic Year 2023-24 from December 28, 2024, to January 03, 2024, at Mirjole Grampanchayat, Mirjole, Ratnagiri.

Camp was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Kaushal Prasad. Mr Gajanan Gurav (Sarpanch), Mr Sanjay Pandye (Dispute  Resolution President, Mirjole), Prof. U.K. Samant (Program Officer, NSS, FAMT), Prof. Harsha Kelkar (Lady Program Officer, NSS, FAMT), Prof Sachin Gurav, Prof. Prof. Priyanka Date, Prof. Saurabh Shahane were also present for the inauguration session.

All the dignitaries addressed 27 student volunteers who participated in the residential camp. Various group activities including chart preparation, bouquet making, cultural programs, fun games and social activities including cleanliness activity, and construction of small dams were conducted at Mirjole village during the camp.

During the residential camps following Guest Lectures were conducted.

  Topic Speaker
Day 1 Service Smt. Veena Lele.
Day 2 Time Management and Study Skills Dr.Ranjan Khatu
Day 3 Art and Personality Development Prof. D. R. Walawalkar
Day 4 Apale Avakash Prof. Harshal Salvi
Day 5 Climate Change Dr. Vikrant Berde

The residential camp was concluded on January 03, 2024. The Chief Guest for the Valedictory Function was Dr. Surendra Thakurdesai. The camp was organized under the guidance of Principal Dr. Kaushal Prasad. Prof. U.K. Samant, Prof. Harsha Kelkar, Prof Sachin Gurav, Prof.Saurabh Shahane and Prof. Priyanka Date worked for the successful organization of the camp.

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