Parichay – 2024

Parichay – 2024

The Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (EXTC) under the Association of Students of Electronics and Telecommunication (ASENT) organized Parichay – 2024 on 13th August 2024.

Parichay-2024 was celebrated to welcome second-year students in the department. The ceremony was graced with their presence by Dr. S. V. Chougule, Head – EXTC Department, Prof. G. S. Kulkarni, Prof. M. K. Zagade, ASENT Faculty In-charge, the faculty, staff members, and students of the EXTC Department. The program started with a brief introduction and lamp lightening and worship of Goddess Saraswati.

Dr Sharada V. Chougule, the Head – EXTC Department, welcomed all to the event and introduced the students to the EXTC branch. She appreciated the ASENT student coordinators’ efforts to organize the event systematically. Dr. Chougule shared the department’s Vision and outlined the steps taken to achieve it. She also provided valuable guidance to students on selecting their career paths and taking the right steps toward achieving their goals.

Prof. G. S. Kulkarni congratulated students for selecting the EXTC branch which is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field of engineering that combines the Core Electronics, Communication and Information Technology. He emphasized that, apart from mastering technical skills, students should develop a sense of responsibility, ethics, and commitment.

BE and TE students shared their views related to their journey in the department. Ms Anushka Ghanekar expressed her thoughts as a representative from the SE class. The event was successfully concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Rahul Mhapankar, Student Chief Coordinator- ASENT.

BE students arranged different fun games for SE students to boost their confidence, and enable them to actively participate and interact with their seniors.

This program served the following objectives:

  1. To participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for balanced academics.

  2. To improve communication skills, leadership and team skills and overall personality of the students.

  3. To make the interaction between students of SE, TE and BE.

Mr Rahul Mhapankar and Ms Gayatri Suware were the coordinators of the program, Prof. M. K. Zagade was the faculty coordinator, and Ms Girija Ambardekar and Ms Shrawani Joshi hosted the program. The program was organized and successfully conducted under the guidance of Dr. Sharada V. Chougule.

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