President’s Message

“Dreams, determination, and dedication are the stepping stones to success. So dare to dream and have courage to pursue that dream relentlessly.”

katara mamCollege education is one of the most important investments you will ever make. It paves the path for your future. It transforms you from a student into a professional; from a young adult to an independent individual; from a son/daughter who is dependent on parents to a responsible adult who will shoulder responsibility of his / her family and society at large. The Academy is where you will choose your life’s path and make memories of lifelong friendships.

College education is not just about acquiring a degree or merely scoring marks, it is about learning and gaining knowledge that will become the building blocks to a successful career ahead and help address our nation’s  problems and contribute to the growth of our society and our country. Equally vital are the values and principles that will shape your personality into a holistic individual and a responsible citizen.

You now stand at the threshold of your career. During your four years at FAMT, you will have the opportunity to learn a lot more beyond academics. You will find this Academy to be an ideal platform where you can express your abilities and hone your skills. It is the dedication and the commitment of the entire team at FAMT that has been acknowledged by the fact that students have achieved university ranks as well as won accolades at various national competitions. We hope FAMT will surpass your expectation and you will enjoy the holistic academic journey with us.

Welcome to FAMT!

Dr. Aruna M. Katara

