Workshop on “Self-Defense for Women”
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day Celebration, the Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) organized a Workshop on Self-Defense for Women on Friday, March 7, 2025. Mr. Ram Karra, Chairman Choi Kwang Do Association, Ratnagiri conducted this workshop.
The purpose of arranging this workshop is to empower women with confidence, enhance personal safety, and teach practical skills for defending against potential threats.
Dean Faculty Dr. S.B. Kulkarni welcomed Mr. Ram Karr and his team. Dr. Sharada Chougule, Convener, ICC, briefed the audience on the need for forming an Internal Complaint Committee in an educational institute. She also explained the requirement of a session through which a woman can defend herself if needed. Ms Gayatri Suware, the student coordinator, introduced the guest speaker.
Mr. Ram Karr discussed the need for self-defense for women and girls and gave an actual demonstration of various steps to be taken by a girl or woman to defend from any attack. Students under the guidance of Mr. Ram Karr and his team performed various demonstrations about basic training in martial arts.
Prof. Vrinda Kulkarni, the Secretary ICC, expressed the vote of thanks. Ms. Gaytri Suware and Ms Anushka Ghanekar of the Electronics and Telecommunication branch hosted the session. Mr. Sahil Pankar, student member of ICC coordinated this event. The students of all branches attended the session.
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