The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Ratnagiri in association with Prolific Systems & Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Pune conducted a Three-days workshop on “IoT Oriented Mechanical Applications” from 4thto 6th October, 2019 for the students of Third year Mechanical Engineering.
Mr. Nishant Maske and his colleague Mr. Kishor Belhekar conducted the workshop. Prof. Sachin Gurav, the Workshop Coordinator, welcomed the guests. Mr. Nishant Maske and Mr. Kishor Belhekar were felicitated by Dr. Kaushal Prasad, Principal and Dr. Milind Kirkire, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department respectively.
The workshop was conducted in six sessions on three days comprising of theory and practicals. Dr. Kaushal Prasad, Principal, FAMT, spoke about the revolutions of industries and importance of involvement of students in such workshops. Dr. M S Kirkire, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department shared information on the thrust areas promoted by AICTE such as IoT, 3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence etc. He also spoke about the importance of IoT.
Dr. M S Kirkire expressed the gratitude towards the guests as well as students for participation. The students were certified by Prolific Systems & Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Prof. S. S. Gurav, Prof. V. V. Nagale and Prof. R. M. Rasal coordinated the workshop successfully.