Two Days’ Workshop on Cyber Security
The Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering organized a Workshop on Cyber Security from 04th October 2019 to 5th October 2019 for Third Year and Final Year students. Mr Yogesh Hudale, Director, TeleNetworks Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Vashi was the resource person for this workshop.
The workshop was inaugurated by Dr S. V. Chougule, HOD E&TC. She welcomed the resource person and introduced him to all the participants. The workshop covered various theoretical topics which include an introduction to Cyber Security, Cyber offences and Cybercrime, various tools and methods used in Cyber line, Information security Compliance standards, etc,
It was attended by 47 students which helped them to get confidence in Cybersecurity, to be aware of threats in Cyberspace and to know how to secure systems against cyber threats.
The workshop was coordinated by Prof. V.M.Galshetwar and Prof.N.S.Sakhalkar