Samarth Avinash Shinde, Second-year Mechanical Engineering, won Second Cash prize of 600 USD for his presentation on District Cooling System in the RAL Student Competition held during Large Chapter Regional Conference 2019 (RAL CRC) on 29th September 2019 at Hotel Grand Hyatt in Amman Jordan. He received the certificate of participation and a free ASHRAE membership until his graduation.
The RAL Student Competition aims to bring the students of all RAL Chapters together for the competition held in parallel to a conference – CRC. RAL and all RAL Chapters made their contribution either directly or through sponsorship in organizing the competition. It was a soft‐skills oriented competition and does not involve any technical issues. Student Design Competition, a technical competition, is separately arranged every year by the Society. The main objective is to enhance the soft skills of the future ASHRAE members and contribute to identifying the future leaders of RAL and the Society.