Seminar on Career Planning

Seminar on Career Planning

A  Seminar on Career Planning was organized by the Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) department for second-year and third-year students of the Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) department on 4thOctober 2023.

The seminar aimed to explain how to plan a roadmap for the career, understand the job market trends, understand the necessary skillset and competencies to satisfy industry needs, explore different career paths in the domain of CSE, AI and ML, and importance of the use of social media for creating more job opportunities.

The industry expert Mr. Vellaivaranan Thirugnanasambandan, Manager at Comet Softwares, Chennai was the resource person for this seminar. Prof. Rahulkumar P. Tivarekar was the faculty coordinator of the program which was conducted under the guidance of the Head of CSE(AIML) department Prof. V. V. Nimbalkar. A total of 45 students in the second year and 61 students in the third-year Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML) attended this seminar.

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