One Day Seminar on “GATE”

One Day Seminar on “GATE”

A Seminar on Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE) was organized by the department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering on 25th August, 2018. The seminar was coordinated by Prof. N. S. Sakhalkar , introduced by Mr. Sanjeev Chavan, TIME and conducted by Mr. Supratim Chakraborty,  HOD GATE, TIME.

Dr. S. V. Chougule, HOD, EXTC, welcomed and introduced the resource person. The seminar covered introduction to GATE exam, its syllabus, structure, significance for Engineers for placements in government sector and for further studies.

This program helped students to get insight of the field of latest technologies and served following objectives:

1) To  acquaint with knowledge GATE exam

2) To understand syllabus and structure of GATE exam

3)  To understand the importance of GATE for Post Graduation and placement

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