NSS Held Swachhata Awareness Rally and Kalika Mandir Cleaning at an Adopted Village
The NSS unit of FAMT organized a Swachhata Awareness Rally at Mirjole Village, Ratnagiri on account of REPUBLIC DAY on 26 January 2020 and Swachhata Pakhwada.
The NSS volunteers and faculty members participated in the rally to create awareness about cleanliness among local villagers. On the same day, 22 NSS volunteers and 3 faculty members cleaned the Kalika Mandir campus to create awareness about cleanliness through action. Tantamukti Chairman and Mirjole villagers helped in the event. This event was successfully organized by Prof. Umesh K Samant, Prof. Abhijit M. Date and Prof. Sagar Sakharkar under the guidance of Principal- Dr Kaushal Prasad.
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