Celebration of मराठी भाषा दिन

Celebration of मराठी भाषा दिन

The Cultural Committee of Finolex Academy of Management and Technology organized an online program- ‘साहित्यमेळा’ on account of ‘मराठी भाषा दिन’ on February 27, 2021.

Prof. D. D. Joshi guided the audience regarding the importance and beauty of the Marathi language. Prof. Priya Potdar reviewed Marathi literature and explained its journey. Prof. Prabodh Horambe presented a story titled ‘Baap’, written by him.

Jagruti Rane, an Alumnus of the EXTC Department, explained the importance of the cultivation of the Marathi language. Amol Chavan, Alumnus of Mechanical Department, narrated the story written by him for which he got Gold Medal in Youth Festival held in AY:2017-18. Meera Sinkar, Alumnus of Mechanical Department, presented poems written by her. Swapnil Paradkar, a student of Third Year Electrical narrated a story authored by him.

Prof. J. J. Mane anchored the program. Prof. J. J. Mane, Prof. R. R. Kulkarni and Prof. R. M. Rasal worked for the successful organization of the program.

It was organized under the guidance of Principal- Dr Kaushal Prasad, Faculty In-charge Student Affairs- Prof. D. D. Joshi, Prof. D. M. Bapat (Head, Cultural Committee)

The programme was conducted online through Google meet. Around 90 members enjoyed the programme through Google meet. All technical part of event was handled by prof. R. M Rasal. The program recording is available on FAMT’s YouTube channel. The link of the program on YouTube is- https://youtu.be/JNivarvUkCU

Some of the Resource persons of the program


Screenshot of uploaded Program on YouTube Channel
Screenshot of uploaded Program on YouTube Channel

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