K12 Activity – “Vedic Mathematics”

ISHRAE FAMT Chapter, Mechanical Engineering Department conducted an online K-12 Activity on “Vedic Mathematics” on 18th November 2020 on Google Meet. The session started with an introduction and address by the Head of Mechanical Engineering Department. In this session, students learnt how to calculate by using Vedic mathematics through two videos.

The objective was to enhance the interest of students in mathematics by teaching them Vedic mathematics. Thus, they can apply this knowledge and easily solve any mathematics problem. Through these videos, students were explained the first two ‘sutras’ of Vedic mathematics: “Ekadhikena Purvena” and “Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah”. Ms Maithilee Jadhav and Ms Aditi Chopdekar explained these ‘sutras’ to the students. The session ended with clearing the doubts of students. Ms Maithilee Jadhav concluded the session with a vote of thanks.

In total 34 students from the nearby schools of Ratnagiri participated in this activity. Students were also provided with printable e-Certificates. This program was coordinated by FAMT ISHRAE student members under the guidance of Faculty Advisors Prof. Vidyasheel Bagade and Prof. Shodhan Mayekar, Dr M. S. Kirkire, Dean Academics and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Dr Kaushal Prasad, Principal.


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