First Year Engineering Students’ Association (FESA) a body of the First Year Engineering Department of Finolex Academy of Management and Technology organized a Programme on ‘JSW Udaan Scholarship’ on 29th November 2022 at 3.15 p.m. The program was arranged to provide students with information about the JSW Udaan Scholarship so that the students get financial support for their education.
Prof. D.S. Nangare in charge of FESA gave a brief introduction to the programme and welcomed the guests. Prof. Dr Y.G. Mulye introduced the guests to the audience and guided students. Mrs Yogita Mahakal, Department of Corporate Social Responsibility briefly informed the students about the various schemes and programmes offered by JSW for the social cause. She encouraged students to be in touch with the JSW CSR department to get various facilities and support. Mr Rajdeep Mukherjee, National Security Depositary Ltd., gave a presentation on how to apply for the JSW Udaan Scholarship. He encouraged students to apply for the scholarship and provided detailed information about the eligibility criteria to avail of the scholarship. He cleared the doubts of the students.
Around 153 students and 03 faculty members attended the programme. Prof. D.S. Nangare anchored the programme. The programme was organized under the guidance of Principal- Dr Kaushal Prasad and HoD First Year Engineering- Dr Y. G. Mulye. Prof S.S. Shahane and Mr Milind Kolhatkar assisted to organise the programme successfully
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