IV to Lighthouse & DGPS Station, Ratnagiri

Industrial Visit to Lighthouse & DGPS Station, Ratnagiri

Department of Mechanical engineering of organized an industrial visit to Lighthouse & DGPS Station Ratnagiri on 20thApril, 2018 for the students of B.E. Mechanical Engineering.

The visit was organized for the subject Renewable Energy Source to enable the students get knowledge about Solar Electrical Energy Plant. The plant was established on 1st May, 2017.The capacity of plant is 20 KW. The students also got the opportunity to know the utilization of generating solar electrical energy for different purposes. They measure three different readings such as generating energy, export energy to MSEB and import energy from MSEB during night time.

Total 37 students visited. Mr. V S Bagade and Mr. S. S. Surywanshi, Assistant Professors, were the coordinators for this industrial visit. FAMT is very much thankful to Mr. P. G. Bundake(A.E.) and Mr. P. S. Rawool(NA II)for their co-operation.
