Industry Expert Lecture on Trending Technologies in Cloud Computing

Industry Expert Lecture on Trending Technologies in Cloud Computing

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE-AI & ML) organized an Expert Lecture titled Trending Technologies in Cloud Computing on 6th August 2022, online as well as offline modes.

The lecture was organized for SE and TE students of the CSE(AIML) department. Mr Amit Sali, Managing Director of Appxerbia Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Pune, was the resource person for the expert lecture.The students learnt the fundamentals of cloud computing, Interpret the significance of virtualization in the context of cloud computing, become aware of various cloud computing services platforms and become aware of application design aspects of cloud computing.

The program was organized and conducted under the guidance of HoD. Prof. Vrishali V. Nimbalkar. and Prof. Mahesh A. Jadhav was the faculty coordinator and Miss. Sanika Pawar and Mr Kawshal Shirdhankar were the student coordinators of the program. A total of 93 students of SE and TE CSE participated in it. Many students interacted with Mr Amit Sali in the question-and-answer session. The program ended with a vote of thanks.

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