FAMT secured 170th Overall Rank among all the Government and Private Engineering Institutes in India

We are pleased to inform you that The Week Hansa Research Best College Survey 2020 Engineering Rankings results are out and FAMT secured 170th Overall Rank among all the Government and Private Engineering Institutes in India. 

Further study of the ranking reveals that FAMT secured 139th Rank among Private Engineering colleges in India, 23rd Rank among West Zone Private Engineering colleges in India and 6th Rank among Mumbai University Institutes. In the Konkan region, FAMT is the only institute to secure a place in Top 200 Engineering Institute Rankings 2020.

The above-mentioned Ranking is based on the following points

  1. 1.Institute Profile
  2. Infrastructure
  3. Intellectual Resources
  4. Academic Programmes and Processes
  5. Quality of Students
  6. Placements
  7. Industry Exposure and Extra – Curricular Activities

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