EXTC Department Celebrates Engineer’s and Teacher’s Days

EXTC Department Celebrates Engineer’s and Teacher’s Days

The Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (EXTC) and Association of Students of Electronics and Telecommunication (ASENT) has organized “Engineer’s and Teacher’s Day Celebration” on 15th September, 2023.

Engineers’ Day is celebrated every year on September 15th in India to commemorate the birthday of one of the greatest Indian engineers, Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya. This day serves as a tribute to the remarkable contributions of engineers to society and recognizes their role in shaping the world we live in.

Mr. Vellai Varnan (Java trainer) was the Chief guests. Dr. S. V. Chougule, Head of EXTC Department, welcomed all and introduced the chief guest. She addressed students on qualities of a good engineer and their role to build a strong nation. Mr. Vellai Varnan gave information to students on topic “importance of programming languages of engineering students of any branch”. All faculty and staff members along with EXTC students were present for this event.

Prof. S. S. Athalye congratulated E&TC students for arranging the event successfully and explained the relationship between engineers and teachers. Prof. G. S. Bhosale motivated students to take part in different activities and discussed ways to convert imagination into innovations and creativity giving real life examples. All the speakers offered their best wishes on the occasion of “Engineer’s Day” and “Teacher’s Day”.

On this occasion two events were organized by the department for students to inculcate the competitive spirit among the budding engineers.

(1) Speech on Engineer’s and Teacher’s Day

(2) Poster Making Competition

The event was successfully concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Aliya Upadye, Student Chief Coordinator- ASENT.

This program served the following objectives:

1) To motivate students for the great work done by Sir M. Visvesvaraya towards country and Society.

2) To show link between Teachers and Futures Engineers.

3) To create awareness of the responsibility of an Engineers towards Society.

4) To inculcate Teamwork and Communication Skills in students.

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