Expert Lecture on “Infosys Certified Software Programmer”
An Expert lecture was arranged on Infosys Certified Software Programmer for the third year students of the department of Information Technology on 15th March 2021. Prof. Atul Yadav (Deputy TPO, FAMT, Ratnagiri) delivered the session. In this session, the process of the Infosys campus recruitment drive for the 2022 passing out batch was explained in detail. Some students registered also at the time of the session. The detailed syllabus for the drive and eligibility criteria was discussed in the session. The session was very interactive and students were very pleased after the session The event was initiated by HOD IT, Dr Vinayak A. Bharadi and organized by Prof. Onkar D Dike. All the students expressed a vivid interest in attending and benefiting from more such events in future.