The Student Association of MCA(SAM) a two-day technical fest EXCELLENTIA from 27th to 28th February 2020. Dr. Kaushal Prasad, the Principal, inaugurated EXCELLENTIA 2K20 TechFest in the presence of Prof. Tejas V. Joshi, Head, Department of MCA; SAM Faculty In-charge, Prof. Rahul Kotawadekar and faculty members of the Department of MCA.
The TechFest included various technical events like Web designing, Code It, Google It & Edit It, nontechnical events like Debate, MCA Auction, and gaming events like NFS, Counter-Strike, Slow Cycling, and Crazy games.
The Tech Fest was a huge success with a participation of approximately 300+ students of Finolex Academy of Management and Technology and different colleges like Gogate Jogalekar, S. P. Hegshetye, Athalye Sapre Pitre, Government Polytechnic of Ratnagiri District and SRM and Kankavli College of Sindhudurg District.
A Rolling Trophy for EXCELLENTIA was instituted from this year for the overall winner in the technical events. The Sant Rawool Maharaj College, Kudal won the rolling trophy for securing the first place in overall technical events.
The entire planning and organization of the TechFest were smoothly executed by the SAM Chief Coordinator Mr. Shubham Chavan with the help of the team of event coordinators and student volunteers under the guidance of Head of Department, Prof. Tejas. Joshi and SAM Faculty In-charge Prof. Rahul V. Kotawadekar. All the other faculty members of the department, Prof. Harshada U. Salvi, Prof. Ravindra V. Kerkar, Prof. Kishor R. Bhosale, and Prof. Waman R. Parulekar also provided timely guidance as and when needed for the organization of the event.