FAMT Remote Center Organizes eSim Workshop for Teachers and Research Scholars with IIT Bombay
FAMT Remote Center organized a one day eSim Workshop for Teachers and Research Scholars” in collaboration with IIT Bombay on 21 September, 2019 to train the teachers in a well-known and popular open source and free circuit simulation software and development platform – eSim.
The workshop was organized by the Teaching Learning Centre (TLC) at IIT Bombay, under a scheme of ‘Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching’ (PMMMNMTT), an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. However, the participants attended it in A-View mode at about 118+ remote centers (RC) across the country including FAMT Remote Centre.
During the workshop, all participants learnt eSim using spoken tutorials as per the guidance of the Course Coordinator. The faculty of IIT Bombay interacted with the participants live through A-VIEW. Every A-View session was followed by hands-on practice session in the laboratory where participants learnt eSim using side-by-side method. Side-by-side method is a method where participants plays spoken tutorial at one part of the desktop display and subject-specific platform to practice on to other part.
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