Dr. Vinayak A Bharadi, Head of IT Department, FAMT Ratnagiri, was awarded the Best Researcher by VDGOOD (www.vdgood.org). He would be felicitated at the 11th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science, and Medicine to be held on 17th October 2020.
The award ceremony is a unique international platform for the confluence of all stakeholders of the ecosystem – Industry, Academia, Researchers, Innovators, Regulators – coming together to meet and share their knowledge among these people from all around the world. VDGOOD Scientist Awards 2020 is a professional awards program that encourages and recognizes the accomplishments of the project management professionals and organizations around the world.
VDGOOD Working towards finding New Innovations to make life easier in all aspects, Innovation is the process of creating and implementing a new idea.
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