Donation Drive

Donation Drive

The Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (EXTC) and the Association of Students of Electronics and Telecommunication (ASENT) organized a “Donation Drive” on 14th September 2023 at MAHER Orphanage, Niwali, Ratnagiri.

The donation Drive was conducted at the institute with the objective of extending support to the orphanage. Interested students, faculty, and staff donated the groceries, educational materials and clothes Maher orphanage. For the collection, a collector box was placed at the entrance of each department where all the students, faculty and staff can anonymously donate. A day before, all the collected items were separated and calculated by the ASENT committee members.

ASENT Committee members arranged fun games like Musical Chair, Antakshari, and Singing with the members of Maher. The senior citizens in the orphanage enjoyed these activities and sweets distributed by the committee members. Prof. Madhura K. Zagade, Pardule and ASENT committee members handed over the groceries, educational materials and clothes to Maher Orphanage. Orphanage administration conveyed their sincere thanks to FAMT.

Prof. Madhura K. Zagade (Faculty member EXTC and charge ASENT) coordinated the program successfully under the guidance of Dr. Sharada V Chougule, Head of EXTC Department.

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