Department Advisory Board (DAB) Meeting
The meeting of Department Advisory Board (DAB) of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department was organized on Saturday 09/09/2023, under the chairmanship of Dr. Sharada V Chougule, Head of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (EXTC) Department, FAMT, Ratnagiri.
The following DAB members were present for the meeting:
S.No | Name | Representation |
1 | Dr. Sharada V Chougule | Professor and HOD of EXTC Engg. Dept |
2 | Dr. Mahesh S Chavan | Academician-Professor, KIT’s COE, Kolhapur |
3 | Mr. Samarjeet Chavan | Industry Representative -Director, Jeet Fortuneline Pvt. Ltd. Sangli |
4 | Mr. Yogesh Hudale | Industry Representative and Alumus, & Director, Telenetworks Pvt. Ltd. Vashi, Navi Mumbai |
5 | Mr. Giri S Kulkarni | Faculty member |
6 | Mr. Vinayak D Chavan | Faculty member |
7 | Ms. Gouri S Bhosale | Faculty member |
8 | Mr. Avadhoot Joshi | Student-BE EXTC |
9 | Mr.Mukul Sagvekar | Student-TE EXTC |
10 | Ms. Gayatri Suware | Student-SE EXTC |
11 | Mr. Sandeep Kamble | Parent representative |
The gathering commenced with the Head of the Department Dr. Sharada V Chougule extending a warm welcome to all the committee members.
- Giri SKulkarni read the minutes of the last year DAB meeting held on 20th August 2022 and stated the compliance of the various points of the minutes of the meeting by the department.
- Department presentation was given by the Head of Department which highlighted the following points of the last one year from July 2022 to June 2023.
- Systematic efforts of the department to reach the Vision of the department
- Academic activities from July 2022 to June 2023
- Student Internships and Training Program, placements
- Result analysis of AY 2022-23
- Syllabus Gap Identification and activities planned for AY2023-24
- Department NBA preparation
- Vinayak D Chavan explained the Training and Placement activities. He gave information about training ,placement and internship activities of the previous year.
- Gouri S Bhosale gave details about the mentorship activities of the department.
- All DAB members including student representatives shared their views and suggestions about overall activities and progress of department. Suggestions given by DAB members were noted.
- The meeting ended with a vote of thanks from Mr. G S Kulkarni.