CyberSafe Campus: Combating Ragging and Cyber Harassment

CyberSafe Campus: Combating Ragging and Cyber Harassment

The Department of MCA organized the Anti-Ragging and Cyberlaws Awareness Program “CyberSafe Campus: Combating Ragging and Cyber Harassment” on 18th May 2024. Dr. Kaushal Prasad, the Principal, FAMT welcomed Assistant Sub Inspector Mahesh Temkar, Advocate Amit Shirgaonkar and Advocate Pandurang Nandiwale.

Adv. Amit Shirgaonkar gave information regarding various laws and IPC for Ragging, Posco, Drink and Drive, IT and Cyber Laws to students. He explained the legal aspects of ragging, its psychological impact on victims, and ways to prevent and report incidents of ragging. He also emphasised on importance of carrying vehicle documents while driving any vehicle.

Adv. Pandurang Nandiwale guided students to build a prosperous career by adopting good habits and following a disciple life. He gave multiple examples of how any bad habit like tobacco, liquor, and smoking ruin the whole family economically and physically. He also advised students to use mobile with precautions against various cyber-attacks.

Assistant Sub Inspector Mahesh Temkar guided students regarding what to do and what not to do during the college life of students. He also advised students to behave according to their responsibilities.

Prof. Tejas V. Joshi coordinated the program. Prof. Ajinkya S. Naphade expressed a vote of thanks.

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