18th Aavishkar: Inter-Collegiate/Institute/Department Research Convention 2023-24 Awareness Program at FAMT

18th Aavishkar: Inter-Collegiate/Institute/Department Research Convention 2023-24 Awareness Program at FAMT

Finolex Academy of Management and Technology (FAMT), Ratnagiri hosted the 18th Aavishkar: Inter-Collegiate/Institute/Department Research Convention Awareness Program of the University of Mumbai on April 24th, 2023. The program raised awareness among faculty representatives from various institutes/colleges in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg Districts about the Aavishkar convention. The convention showcases innovative research projects in various fields, including Humanities, Commerce, Science, Agriculture, Engineering and Technology, and Medicine and Pharmacy. A total of 36 faculty members from various institutes and colleges attended the program.

The program was graced by distinguished guests, namely Dr Sunil Patil, Director of the Department of Student Development at the University of Mumbai; Dr Meenakshi Gurav, Officer on Special Duty for Aavishkar; Dr Shashi Menon, Director of the Institute of Advanced Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences; and Retd Prof Sunita Shailaja, from the Department of Botany at Ruia College. Dr Kushal Prasad, Principal of FAMT, felicitated the guests and delivered the opening remarks.

Dr Sunil Patil highlighted the success of research conducted in the state and Mumbai University’s performance in the 15th Aavishkar: Maharashtra State Inter-University Research Convention, where the university won 19 medals, including 12 gold, five silver, and two bronze medals. He also provided a brief overview of the 18th Aavishkar convention to be held for AY 2023-24.

Dr Meenakshi Gurav detailed the 18th Aavishkar convention, which will have 12 zones, including Mumbai I, Mumbai II, Mumbai III, Thane West, Thane East, Palghar, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Engineering Colleges/Institutes, Pharmacy Colleges/Institutes, and University Academic Departments. The convention will have six categories, and an institute/college can nominate a maximum of 48 research projects for six categories for the zonal round. The selected projects from the zonal round will participate in the final round of Aavishkar. She also provided insights on how students can transform their research ideas to improve their visibility.

Dr Shashi and Prof. Sunita provided detailed information on key points to be observed in the research project or idea under various categories in Aavishkar. They pointed out expected outcomes that could be presented and stressed the importance of presenting research effectively. They also highlighted how mentors can help students at their institute for the zonal round and how mentors from the University of Mumbai are assisting students who will participate in the inter-university Aavishkar. They further explained how students’ research project ideas can be transformed to highlight their novelty and make them more presentable.

The event concluded with an interactive question and answer session addressed by the guest speakers, which helped address various queries of the faculty regarding the Aavishkar convention. Dr Surendra Thakurdesai and Dr Ghanasham Sathe, University of Mumbai coordinators for the 18th Aavishkar in Ratnagiri, as well as Dr Dnyaneshwar Sirsat and Dr Umesh Pawar, district coordinators for Sindhudurg, were also present at the event.

The program was coordinated by Dr Sandeep Chawda, Dean of R&D (FAMT), Prof. N. V Kelkar, and their team. The event ended with a vote of thanks by Dr  Sandeep Chawda, who expressed gratitude towards the guests, the University of Mumbai, and FAMT for hosting the program.


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