A two days workshop on Energy Audit was organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering from 4th to 5thFebruary, 2019. Mr. Ajitkumar Datar, Certified Energy Auditor, INDESCO, Mumbai and Mrs. A.A. Datar Lecturer and Lawyer, Thane Law College, Mumbai were invited for the workshop.
There is tremendous increase in the usage of electrical energy in recent decades but the electricity generation is insufficient to meet increasing demand. Hence, the Government of India has enacted Energy Conservation Act 2001 to meet the demand. Energy audit has been made compulsory to energy intense industries. During the audit; various appliances, equipments and systems like boilers, chillers, HVACs, fans, and blowers are studied; trialed and their efficiency is calculated. The recommendations are made to improve the energy efficiency which also reduces the environmental effects. Therefore, Electrical Engineering Department initiated to create awareness amongst Electrical Engineering students through a workshop on Energy Audit.
Mr. Ajitkumar Datar is a certified Energy Auditor of BEE and has 25 Years of field experience. He has conducted 400+ audits in India and abroad. During the workshop, the students learnt the concept and procedure of energy auditing, opportunities of energy saving in motors, transformers, illumination etc. He discussed the case studies which demonstrated exact energy saving calculations and payback analysis. The actual Energy Audit of illumination and AC was done.
A total of 76 Students of B.E participated in the workshop. Prof. M.N.Tagare organized this workshop with the help of Prof. Sudhir Wamane and Prof. Vaibhav Sansare