Short-term Course in FACTS DEVICES

Short-term Course in FACTS DEVICES AND DISTRIBUTED GENERATION for Engineering Faculty

Objectives: This training programme was specially designed for Engineering Faculty. It deals with various aspects of FACTS technology and renewable energy sources. The course aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • To update knowledge in the emerging topics in the subject area.
  • To make the teachers conversant with relevant practices in FACTS technology and concepts of distributed generation.
  • To acquaint the participants with MATLAB/SIMULINK, for simulating power systems and Energy Sources (Renewable).

Course Contents The programme was designed with the following major topics:

  • Power System Stability and FACTS Devices
  • Conventional vs. non-conventional energy sources.
  • Concept of Distributed Generation
  • Solar Photovoltaic and MPPT Techniques
  • Concept of Smart Grid
  • Smart Grid and Hybrid Systems
  • Detailed and Phasor models of FACTS Devices usingSIMULINK

The course was conducted from 6 February to 10 February, 2017. The course was organized by NITTTR Chandīgarh and our college was one of the nodal centers. Total 13 faculties of Electrical Engineering Department participated in the course. Read More

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