E&TC Department’s Parent Meet

E&TC Department’s Parent Meet

The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering conducted a Parents Meet for S.E., T.E. and B.E. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Students (AY 2024-25) on 01st March 2025 at E&TC Seminar Hall. Dr. Sharada V. Chougule, HOD of EXTC, along with class teachers and faculty members held the meet.

Dr G. G. Bhide welcomed all the parents and briefed about the purpose of arranging this parent meeting. Parent representatives were felicitated by the faculty members. T&P Head, Prof.  Kishor Bhosale explained the details of the Training and Placement activities of the institute. The Head of the Department, Dr. Sharada. V. Chougule addressed all parents giving information about the department, the Vision-Mission, the Honors and Minors program, the Teaching Learning process, Results, Co-curricular and extracurricular activities, Mentoring system in the department, Alumni interaction and achievements of the department, faculty and students. Dr. Sharada V. Chougule emphasized the importance of parental involvement in students’ academic progress and discussed the department’s expectations from parents.

Many valuable suggestions from the parents were duly noted down. All faculty members of the EXTC department actively addressed and answered the parents’ queries. Parents appreciated the activities of the department and efforts taken by all faculty members for the overall growth of their wards and also suggested continuing the same. Parents gave their feedback about department activities and the overall progress of their ward. The meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. G. G. Bhide.

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