Excellentia 2K25

Excellentia 2K25

The Student Association of MCA(SAM) and Department of MCA organized a one-day technical fest EXCELLENTIA 2K25 on 07th February 2025. Dr. Kaushal Prasad, the Principal, inaugurated EXCELLENTIA 2K25 TechFest in the presence of Prof. Harshada U. Salvi, I/C Head, Department of MCA, SAM Faculty In-charge, Prof. Ravindra V. Kerkar and faculty members of the Department of MCA.

Ms. Kshipra Upalekar (FY MCA Student) anchored the inauguration program. Ms. Vaishnavi Amberkar (FY MCA Student) expressed a vote of thanks in the inauguration program. The TechFest included various technical events like Web Development, Code Competition, Quiz Competition, Power Point Presentation, non-technical events like Reel Making, and BGMI gaming. This event provides platform to students of colleges from various districts to showcase their talent.

Approximately 150+ students of Finolex Academy of Management and Technology, Gogate Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri, S. P. Hegshetye College, Athalye Sapre Pitre College, Devrukh, Dnyandeep college of science and commerce, Khed, MKSSS BCA college, Government Polytechnic of Ratnagiri District and SRM College, Kankavli College of Sindhudurg District participated in this TechFest. Gogate Joglekar College, Ratnagiri won the General Championship Trophy. Ms. Kshipra Upalekar anchored the prize distribution ceremony. Mr. Raj Mohite expressed a vote of thanks.

The entire planning and organization of the TechFest were smoothly executed by the SAM Chief Coordinator Mr. Shivraj Swami, SAM Co-coordinator Ms. Aditi Salvi, Event Student Coordinator Mr. Tejas Bhide and Ms. Naziya Khan with the help of a team of committee heads, all individual events heads and student volunteers under the guidance of Head of Department, Prof. Tejas. Joshi and SAM Faculty In-charge Prof. Ravindra V. Kerkar. All the other faculty members of the department, Prof. Harshada U. Salvi, Prof. Kishor R. Bhosale, Prof. Waman R. Parulekar, Prof. Supriya S. Surve, Prof. Gousia A. Khanche also provided timely guidance as and when needed for the organization of the event. Mr. Sukumar Birje (Lab Assistant, MCA Department) also helped students in the arrangement of TechFest.

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