Been There, Done that, Now next milestone!

I personally experienced the transition from FAMT life towards the workforce going through the question of all questions – “what am I going to do now with my degree?” – and once I had decided it became “how do I create long-lasting impact at the organisation I work?” If you are asking yourself the same questions you will find all the answers at FAMT.

Post-FAMT, I utilized my specialization in Supply Chain management to work for a Global Logistics player before transitioning into an MBA to help me strengthen my profile. For 5 years I gained immense Global exposure across 4 Southeast Asian countries, heading Sales, Marketing & Operations functions along with setting up Greenfield Business Unit in Singapore. I am currently assisting stalwarts of the Indian automobile industry who have paved way for Electric Vehicles ecosystem in India to improve the market reach. What more can one ask for in 6 years span!

Had it not been for 3 keys learnings at FAMT, I would have been left hanging high and dry. These 3 learnings were

1. Building long-lasting relations – Friendships forged over 4 years at FAMT & consistent mentorship of professors helped me in this area
2. Sharpening problem-solving skills – This was facilitated by 20-80 rule used in practical and theoretical knowledge
3. How to align your ideas with people you work with & build a case to ensure sustainability in business recommendations – Business courses included in the curriculum taught by faculty who really push you to limits

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every stakeholder at FAMT, for putting me in a favorable position I am today!

– Kaustubh Shinde, CEO’s Office – Program Manager, Lithium Urban Technologies Pvt Ltd
